Monday, 4 December 2006

Kylie Mole Et Al

Miss Contadiction is off work today (AGAIN: here's a free tip from me sweetie - lay off the booze on Sundays) so the weekend's update won't appear until tomorrow.

Though I must say it was somewhat of an interesting weekend. We did sneak into a birthday party in the Antler Bar on Saturday night and proceeded to get chatted up by some random blokes. One of them called me a 'spunk' and for a moment I thought I was being chatted up by Kylie Mole (she goes she goes she goes she just GOES).

We also managed to somehow score 10 or 15 free credits on the jukebox, which was very much appreciated.

Only at the hole.

Bad Smell came over to stalk me last night. I don't know what for, he just randomly turned up on my doorstep. He made me watch some awful show on Foxtel about a depraved hitman called 'The Iceman' - I have the weakest stomach at the best of times. And then he wonders why I wouldn't root him.

There is only so many times a girl can have her period in the space of a month.

More to follow tomorrow with pictures and self-righteous rants galore.


Anonymous said...

Okay, fine, I get it.

Town Bike said...

It was just a case of too much information.

I can't have my top secret identity being exposed on this blog.

Miss Contradiction said...

Actually...I was sick yesterday I will have you all know.

Apologies for the late update on the hole WE 02/12/2006...

Will update later today or tomorrow after I do some...


Toodleloo groovers x

Town Bike said...

As if you are doing work.

Unless your job description includes:

* Forwarding jokey emails
* Stalking blogs
* Typing random words into Google


I am having the worst day in the history of the universe and need some cheering up soon.