I don't remember getting home but my flatmate assures me I was walking around in circles when I got home.
Miss Penelope managed to end up in the Piano Bar wearing a hula skirt. She has no idea where it came from and neither does anyone else.
It reminded me of the time, many years ago when I managed to stumble home wearing a red feather boa. I am not sure where that came from either. I think Town Bike might have pinched it from the nightclub - but I can't be too sure.
Where do these random items of clothing come from and why? Will I wake up tomorrow wearing a chicken suit or a top hat and cane?
It is truly a mystery.....
Sounds like a blast. Very sorry I missed it. Not. My wardrobe is already full enough.
Yes, I did steal that red feather boa from DJ Roy, back in the days when the Lighthouse rocked.
Hula skirt was random. It's not just something you find lying around!!! Maybe I ripped it off someone and left them half naked!!!
Good night had by all (well from what I remember).
If anyone saw me after the hour of 10 last night, I would welcome feedback on my actions.
I have to say, you are lucky you ended up with a hula skirt compared to other things you could potentially have picked up at the hole... eg herpes.
I had the great pleasure of walking Miss Contradiction home last night.
It was sort of like walking on the Fairstar in rough weather.
There was the usual yell out from yocals on the street. “TAXI” get and original saying!!! How about “CAR CRASH”
So I did what I though was right and seconded her heels and hand bag.
The heels were a good idea, as this eliminated any nasty falls on knees.
The handbag however I have discovered she uses as ballast, hence the little wrestle with a hedge.
BUT I did only giggle for a few seconds and got her up and dusted her off.
Miss Penelope, I only saw you for 2 seconds as you waved and walked past.
You had a glazed smile on your face, like you had just eaten a canary or taken a bauble from the Christmas tree. In the absence of any real wildlife at the hole I am assuming you did pinch something from the tre,e OR it was a pre-empted smile for the later hula skirt incident.
Random clothes – I have a PHD from Harvard in that area.
I also give lectures about “how to not wear your clothes inside out”
I thought you did your PhD in random clothes, majoring in coming home without them?
I’ll have you know I have never come home starkers.
There was that one time they were momentarily misplaced but that was back in the hay day. (see 3)
Here are my top 10 hey day highlights.
1. Some how ending up with a cowboy hat that I now wear when watching Brokeback Mountain.
2. Completely losing the” inside out” shirt that everyone liked, and going home with a black shirt I taxed off “who the hell knows”
3. The mirror room incident, which rendered me with only socks for a few minutes. Mirrors!! Dam you to hell.
4. Finding out the “inside out shirt” was actually that, after wearing it the wrong way all through lunch at the Buena Vista.
5. losing my undies at the shift
6. losing my socks at the shift
7. Do a “shirt trade” of my Astro boy T-shirt for a shirt that I later lost.
8. losing my belt at the shift
9. Going to the Berger to collect a bag I left there and a friends Jacket, only to later loose them.
10. Leaving my bag at Manacle & having them call my Mum about it, cause they found her business card in it !!!!!!!!!
Mama Spanky would have loved that... Manacle is such a reputable institution.
it wasn't even called Manacle back then, it was called "The Barracks" and on friday night you could get a free haircut from this leather fetish guy.
It is a classy place that Mancale though. When you strole in there at 7am, once your eyes have adjusted to pitch black, you go to the bar for a beer and they have a bowl of Allens Snakes and a fruit platter.
What a pleasant surprise to stumble across this blog... I was wondering where the hell that skirt got to! Nothing else goes with my coconut bra.
Being a regular at the hole myself I had no idea there were actually other locals who could put words together to form sentences that didn't end in "Fuck off, I got the last round". This cyberspace thingy really does open up ones eyes... good work girls, very impressed.
Now, about that skirt... I really must get it back as I have a very important work function to attend next week.
Well we could give the skirt back, but it really wouldn't mean much without the lei, would it now?
I have to say I have an update on the Hula Skirt.
I spoke to Nathan the bouncer who kindly filled me in on my drunken antics on the night in question. He said the hula skirt was lying on a chair and as he picked it up I demanded it.
Any how I got given a lei (not lay) on Saturday so just need to find the coconut boobs to complete the outfit!! That might be a challenge to find in the cremorne hotel!
Well I got a lay/lei anyway, so may be ready to give up my coconut bra... what size are you? Doesn't matter around the back cos its just string, but the cups are really inflexible... besides, Macca's is open again so I won't be wearing any mid-riff bearing outfits for a while (damn that place...) x
I think you went to my high school... good ol' North Sydney Whores' High. How I miss it!! Not.
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