Ok people....time to give something back!! Now we know you are visiting our site (why? - because we know EVERYTHING) - but you are not posting. Town Bike and myself are getting thoroughly sick of each other and would like opinions from other people.
So I have decided to introduce this agony aunt post. Ask us anything about ourselves, life, the universe, the hole. Absolutely anything. We promise to answer in our own unique rambling fashion.
Basically our goal is to be picked up by Google, and if we have enough hits, we may even surpass the Cremorne Hotel in terms of search result order.
So get posting and make our site No. 1!! Tell your friends, tell your family, tell random men dressed in chicken suits.
Just get cracking people - STAT!
I anticipate that this is going to go down faster than Pete's first schooner of the day. Why? Because I suspect no one cares about us and our inane ramblings.
My my...someone is in a mood.
Oh ye of little faith.
Proove me wrong my little blog pretties!!!
Blog like you have never blogged before!!
actually, they are a constant source of light entertainment throughout the work day. us megahole enthusiasts are a unique and sadly dying breed, but it's comforting to know that such crucial morals and values (ie. the importance of regular intoxication at a local semi-dodgy pub) are upheld even in such a 'sophisticated' suburb as cremorne. hats off to you ladies.
Cool, but could you rephrase that as a question so we can write a reply?
That's what agony aunts usually do.
what am i doing here?
Here, as in this blog, or here as in 'what's the meaning of life'?
The answer to both questions is beer.
Thankyou anonymous, for proving that people do care about our maniacal ramblings.
I think Town Bike should 'Turn that frown upside down'
Hmmmm...why are we here. Well beer is an obvious choice and would make Uncle Pete the Messiah. Town Bike can be Mary Magdalene and I will be Jezebel.
And Canada can be Moses and Rod can be Lucifer. No wait Jason can be Lucifer. Rod can be Saddam Hussein.
Was Saddam Hussein in the bible? No matter - he is in our version.
I have decided Slapporn can be Jezebel and I will be the burning bush thingy on account of the fact I haven't had any action in a while.
Miss Penelope can be Mary. No wait, that means she is Pete's mother. That doesn't work. Leave it with me while I gate crash a bible study group.
So who is God? Megahole?
Is Pete the son of Megahole? Does that make sense?
And while we're on it, is Pete's last name actually Megahole? Pete Megahole. It has a nice ring to it.
So then if God is the Hole, Pete is Jesus. Then who is the Holy Spirit?
Jack Daniels?
It has to be a drug dealer. The holy trinity of off-facedness.
Hurry up and start asking questions, bloggers.
Otherwise I will have a conniption and start handing out random unsolicited advice.
I can be Mary because with the way things are going in my life it would be a miraculous conception!!
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