Monday, 18 December 2006

Where's My Update, Contradiction?

Where's the weekend update?

We all got a bit 'over excited' on Saturday night (and by 'bit over excited', I actually mean 'very off our faces'), and consequently can remember very little of the night.

I'm not actually sure where I was for half of it.

I'm relying on the update to fill in certain gaps in my memory.


Miss Contradiction said...

I know - unlike Town Bike who piked at 1.30 and went home - I seem to have entirely missed out on a nights sleep from Saturday.

I will do a thorough update tomorrow when I have located my mental faculties and feel less crapulent.

Town Bike said...

You suck - I need entertainment stat as I can not be bothered doing any actual work.

P.S. The only reason I had to leave at 1.30am on Saturday was because I needed to drive myself to the hospital and get my stomach pumped, okay???