Tuesday, 19 December 2006

Trivial Pubsuit

I just received a VIP text message from the hole informing us all that trivia is back at the pub tonight.

IT'S ABOUT FUCKING TIME!! The last time we played trivia there was... my God... three and a half years ago? And it was on a Wednesday night... and we never won, despite cheating extensively.

I want to go to this because I rock at trivia (because I have an extensive database of useless facts and figures stored in my brain - in fact the database is the only thing in my brain that is yet to be destroyed by years of substance abuse), however I don't want to get too crapulent during my last week of work as I am already turning into a bloated alcoholic a la Lindsay Lohan.

Here's to hoping they have it on next Tuesday (Boxing Day) while we're on holidays as I will be there with bells on. And I will wipe the floor with everyone else's arses. However this will involve not drinking as I tend to forget things / ramble / exaggerate / repeat myself when I'm drunk.



Miss Contradiction said...

I cannot condone any 'not drinking' going on at the hole.

The whole reason why we drink there is because it is unbearable when you are sober.

Is Pete on our team?

Town Bike said...

No, Pete will talk over the top of all of us and his suggestion for every answer will be 'beer'.

While this will do for some questions, other require DIFFERENT answers.

How can I get drunk and maintain my mental faculties in order to win trivia at the same time?


Town Bike said...

Well thanks for inviting me to play trivia last night... hmph.

Perhaps next week, my sister and I will play by ourselves and show y'all what the bike family is capable of!!

Miss Contradiction said...

Um hello!!! You specifically said you didn't want to go.

Anyway, I was too busy being ridiculously competitive to get too crapulent.

Long live the BSWC

Town Bike said...

When did I say I didn't want to go??

I said I didn't want to get too crapulent... not that I didn't want to go to trivia!!

Screw you and the horse you rode in on... hmph!