When you think about it, real stalking requires much time and effort for both the stalker and stalkee. All that time sitting around on flower pots, going through garbage, not to mention the expense of all those phone calls and bailing yourself out of jail. For the stalkee, much effort has to be put in to hiding from said stalker and possibly having to relocate. Also having to change one’s phone number and having to go to the police for an AVO.
Cyber stalking on the other hand requires not much effort for either party. You can do it from the comfort of your lounge room or office, requires little outlay and is relatively harmless. It’s a win win situation.
So, to make Town Bike’s cyber stalker a little but more comfortable, I have provided a cyber flower pot for his/her sitting pleasure.
Real time stalking CAN be a time-consuming and costly business. I know this from personal experience.
I like to take all my stalking online these days.
Just out of curiousity, how many stalker/stalkee relationships do you think have ended up in a white wedding??
Maybe we should have a stalker anonymous night at the C-Lounge and get them all out of the woodwork.
Hi my name is.......and have been a stalker for.....years. I have stalked.....people. My favourite stalking grounds are........
Could be interesting. They could all share tips.
Let's organise a night when all stalkers have to turn up. I wonder if we can get Peter the stalker unbanned from the Lower North Shore for the event.
Stalk the stalker.....
I like it.
Could be a new trend.
I like to call it the circular stalk. Eventually the person at the front will end up stalking the person at the back, and vice versa.
Circular stalk!
Like a circular reference in Excel.
Once again you have out done yourself.
My hats off to you TB!
Well I did study stalking theory extensively at university!! I should know my stuff!!
I have letters after my name... Town Bike B.S.A. (Bachelor of Stalking Arts).
'Tis an emotionally fraught and uncertain pursuit, is cyber stalking. Whereas a real-life stalker always knows the whereabouts of his prey, the cyber stalker's hold on his subject is dependent on their not being banned from forums, or not closing down their blog which you read religiously.... When this occurrs, the cyber stalker despairs. When will he next see the object of his obsession?
And of course, you don't get the tactile and visual benefits of real-life stalking......How can you gain your subjects' attention, and be an integral part of their lives? And your're devoid of any sort of independent uncovering of information about your obsession...no deliciously informative rubbish bins to sift through... instead, you are at their mercy, desperate for whatever new snippet of information you can gain about them from their latest blog entry....
So yeah, online-stalking sometimes sucks arse. But its also strangely fulfilling.
I want to know who you are now. I have gone from having no stalker to having a stalker within the space of three days. It's awesome.
Are you a megahole lurker too??
Nah, I'm a cyber stalker. If I ventured out in public too much, I'd be at risk of forming - heaven forbid - human relationships, or at the very least, having to go through some sort of human interaction. And theres also the risk I'd miss some thrilling new blog comment of one of my targets.
Actually, I tell a lie - my stalking of you isn't purely cyber. Sometimes I follow chicks who I think look like you/might be you around the cbd. But I've only got limited visual evidence - you look vastly different in photos. I was convinced I saw you in around late 2004 looking at perfume in Myer, but then the chick in question asked me what the $%#@ I was staring at and told me to ^&^$ off. Then I followed her into Morressiey. Then she was talking to SA's and looking at me. Then I got scared and ran off.
Oh, and Miss Contradiction, I love my new flower pot. Its rocks as much as Town Bike serenading guys with "Gangster's Paradise" - more, even, if such a thing is possible.
That's a bit weird. And no, that wasn't me in Myer. I am usually so lost in my own little world of crapulence that I wouldn't notice if anyone was staring at/following me.
I don't get stalked very often.
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