Miss Contradiction and I would step over our own grandmothers to get a freebie and would appreciate this very much.
Unfortunately, at this point the only free things you get from the hole include:
- Biscuits from the gaming room
- Depression
- Faeces in the ice
- A drinking problem
Free things as a whole are good, except for those listed above.
Another thing you get free from the hole is FAT.
I just saw my refection in a window as I was about to walk into Dominos pizza.
Suffice to say I am going lunchless today.
oh!! ok, I ate 1 post-it.
Can someone do something about this god awful weather.
Needs to get warmer in the evening, so I can go walking or run around something.
You missed out on a few freebies at the hole...
Advice from Pete
Hula skirts
Red feather boa's
Sandwiches (only at lunch and you have to fight off the pokie enthusiasts to get any)
Wedges and battered fish nugget type things (only at the badge draw and comes with complimentary salmonela)
Marty's jokes
Some of these things should go under the heading 'things you get free from the hole, but would prefer not to have' eg Marty's jokes.
Also you get free entertainment:
*People being escorted from the premisies
*People being barred
*Miss Contradiction and I being trashed on a Monday night
*Pete drinking a shot of absyinth
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