Now as Miss Contradiction pointed out, Robbie has for some reason or other put a quote from Romeo and Juliet on his MySpace blog. And I quote:
"Hey Im Robbie, I live in Sydney Australia... From ancient grudge break to new mutiny, Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean"
Okaaaaaaay. I mean I'm all for Shakespeare, I was forced to study his works extensively at school/uni, but doesn't that seem a little out of place on a webpage that is otherwise devoted to 'dirty funken beats' and group pictures in the SoSoBar?
And why the hell did he choose that quote? Does he actually know what it means? It's basically saying two families hate each other. Is there something Robbie needs to get off his chest?
To celebrate literacy week, I'm changing the quote on this site to one of my favourite ever Shakespeare lines. Points to anyone who can name the play and the meaning.
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Perhaps Robbie is referring to the ancient rivalry between North and East sides of Sydney - from his myspace page he seems to be a frequenter of ultra-super-hip clubs on both sides (including the SoSoBar) so it is possible he has been caught in the middle of some kind of gang war? Or maybe he just liked the "hands unclean" part of the quote as he could relate to it?
Perhaps Robbie is trying to tell us he was involved in the stabbing incident last week?
How very West Side Story of him.
Or is he trying to show the ladiezzzz his inner SNAG?
Hate to break it to you Robbie, but the SNAG caper went out of style last decade.
Well certainly the stabbing could account for the "hands unclean" comment, but I for one really can't see Robbie risking staining his Morrissey shirt with the blood of some young hooligan (the blood of some young virgin might be a different story - sorry, that was gross, I'm having a bad day).
"For never was there a story of more woe, than this of Robbie and his stained Ralph Lauren polo"
don't credit him with morrissey or ralph lauren, it's more like hound-dog. (if it still exists ...)
"He that is strucken blind cannot forget the precious treasure of his eyesight lost..."
For then one can at least look in the mirror and realise one's hair looks quite ridiculous
"All the Joop cologne of DJs will not sweeten these little hands"
I lost my job today, Mega Managment(Bianca) complained to my boss
Honestly what is wrong with the hole management? Perhaps they have been using Britney Spears' time travelling machine and have discovered that the use of bartending robots is actually much closer than we all believed...
What the hell?
How does that work?
Can you explain that to me slowly? How the hell did they get you fired?
And who the hell is Bianca when she's at home?
She sounds like a twit.
Bianca is the marketing manager at The Megahole. She always walks round in short dresses. You can see her photo on the So Bar blog page.
Management suck. I was drinking with an ex employee from the Mega last night who is still in contact with all the old staff. Some of the stories she was telling me about the new management and there take over policies!!
Those dresses do her figure no justice...
I seriously need a break from the hole, it's beginning to depress me.
I think I might start stalking The Oaks instead...
I miss the old days when all the action was upstairs in the pool hall... sigh.
They found out where i worked at complained and they didnt hesitate to fire me
I wanna meet u miss penelope :P
That's nice to say that Andrew!!
You don't even know me or what I look like yet you want to meet me.
Sounds dangerous, but danger is fun!!
Has everyone seen this news story?,23599,21191513-2,00.html
Sounds like the Melbourne version of the SoSoBar....
But the SoSoBar doesn't get that many patrons.
Miss Contradiction and I wandered in at about 1.30am on Saturday night and it was empty.
They were considering closing it for the night.
Obviously the marketing manager needs to readdress her priorities at work - perhaps getting people fired should take a back seat to actually getting people IN the place?
Since I have banned MYSELF from the hole ( i have lasted over a week now - yeah). I have frequented the Oaks a couple of times and have enjoed it emmensley. For a start you can sit outside instead of a dingy corner. I have spotted some fine specimens of men.
Town Bike - I may have to bar you too.
I don't worry - I am all up for banning myself.
lol im bored :(
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