Monday, 22 January 2007

Try Hard 2: Try Harder

Miss Contradiction and myself learned on Friday night that this Thursday night (Australia Day eve), the hole will play host to the DJs Mark Dynamix (of Ministry of Sound fame) and Telefunken.

I couldn't give a rat's arse who these DJs are, they sound like try hards who think they're too cool for school.

I hate doof doof music and I hate people who act like they're into doof doof music, even when it clearly all sounds the same.

That being said, I will probably still go as I don't have much of a life.

The only music I like can be found on jukeboxes at most suburban pubs and is usually selected by men wearing flannies and drinking a schooie.

I still think they should bring back DJ Roy Pro and his sidekick DJ Simon from the good old days. He used to let us bring CDs and he'd put them on for us. We also got to hide in the DJ booth and drink their vodka, as well as take requests from people.

I miss DJ Roy.


Miss Contradiction said...


Yeah, sure. We took the requests.

Did we pass them on?

No way!!!


Town Bike said...

Or we'd translate for the DJs:

Random groover to Town Bike/Miss Contradiction: Hi, can you play that cool song I heard on the radio the other day?

Town Bike/Miss Contradiction to DJ Roy: He wants to hear Batdance

Anonymous said...

Well I managed to get myself banned last night just for telling ben what I thought of him. He didn't to the fact that I thought he should go and fuck himself(and I wasn't even drunk).

Although he did threaten me with a few punchs in the face if the megahole myspace and , didn't disapear quickly. Dickhead they arn't my website though I fucking wish i had thought of the idea.

I wonder if he thinks now I'll just play nice. All in all Ben is a very angry man and very frustrated.Possibly due to the fact that his pub is sinking, similar to that of the titanic.

Do any of you extremly smart people in ceber land have any devious idea that I could borrow to make his life a little more difficult??

Town Bike said...

That sucks, how long did you get banned for??

I wonder if Miss Contradiction and I will get banned if management ever finds this site!!

How controversial!!

I have many vengeful ideas, not all of them legal. How many do you want and are you prepared to risk a jail term?

Anonymous said...

He didnt specify but I assume quite a while he seemed pissed but I'm sure once the place falls in on its self they will put someone new in charge and all will be good again. Also now I'm banned there fuck all he can do about me so joke is on him.

We should brainstorm these ideas, you first!