Well it was another fun filled week at the hole.
Friday we actually didn’t turn up until around 10 because we gate crashed one of Town Bike’s corporate do’s. Lots of free grog and alcohol ***see vulture picture above*** (we tend to circle maniacally when anything free is on offer). Guess what? Not a soul in sight. Well we briefly spotted Miss Penelope’s boyfriend, who I will call Mr. Esquire. That, my dear bloggers, was it in terms of yocals. Anyway having been plied with "Jager-bombs" at the free function, we were suddenly seeing 3 of everything and exited stage left.
Saturday was marginally more eventful. After staying in to watch Garfield (excellent film – I give it a 8/10 – mostly because he does a soulful rendition of New York State of Mind that our mate Billy would be proud of). We teetered over to the hole in our stilleto’s. We had a brief sit on the fashion couch and then we played pool and got freebies on the juke box.
We then were coerced in to attending some random’s birthday bash in the Antler Bar that we all know and love. He was quite keen on our very own Town Bike and this other random person who I used to work with and had a school girl type crush on magically materialised even though he is supposed to be in Melbourne. Of course we all know the best tactic to take is TO TELL SAID OBJECT OF YOUR CRUSH ALL ABOUT IT!! NOT.
Suffice to say, what seemed like a good idea WHILST OFF ONE’S FACE does not always seem like such a crash hot idea in the COLD HARSH LIGHT OF DAY. However I digress, enough about me.
We somehow managed to end up downstairs after some sort of technical difficulty in the pool hall causing them to close it (yeah whatever) and played the pokies for lack of anything better to do and stumbled home, shoe-less in the pouring rain at 4.30. Yes, we are a classy pair.
All in all another non eventful week….not even any false fire alarms or bannings to report.
1 comment:
Excellent update. Looks like you're still on team blog.
Yes it was a rather random night. I have no idea how that guy got my phone number, but he did manage to call me from upstairs whilst we were in the pokie room.
Perhaps I gave him my business card. Because as we all know the best time to associate yourself with your place of employment is when you're off your trolley.
Miss Contradiction managed to make herself look quite the town harlot. It was a lovely sight to behold.
Meanwhile I am still not quite sure why the couch is called the fashion couch. I think we can thank that bouncer bloke for that.
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