I vote yes. My hips vote no.
In other news, the hole was quite boring last night. There was a severe lack of the colourful and interesting random characters who tend to pop up and make the night entertaining.
One event of note was the appearance of Mr Tastic in a striking apricot wifebeater, the likes of which has never been seen in polite company before. It gave rise to a number of witty comments, such as 'Peaches and Cream Barbie called, she wants her colour scheme back' and 'I've still got the apricots for you' etc etc. As you can imagine this was very funny, but only for about five minutes, after which it got to be quite annoying and I had to threaten violence if anymore apricot-themed jokes were made.
The night was also characterised by a plethora of pseudo intellectual conversations, such as the Roman Catholic Church's Inquisition, the Latin language and Shakespeare. Really a typical night in Academia via the megahole.
I look forward to NYE tomorrow night to see where the night takes Miss Contradiction and myself. Now I have to go and eat a tub of ice cream and watch Law and Order SVU. Yes it is hard having this much of a social life. (Does talking to the guy at the bottle shop across the road count as having a social life?)
Ah, poor town bike... So the hole felt empty? I can only assume it was because I left my usual installation in the corner, where I habitually specialise in attracting stalkers with sandwich fetishes, to return to that other hole (the only one larger than the mega in Australia), known affectionately as shit-sticks (or Canberra to some).
So watch out for my new blog: Canberra is the new Guantanamo. It's starting as soon as I can stop drinking for long enough to do something productive in this asswipe of a town.
How about Canberra is the new beige?
Oh hang on, that wouldn't work, because Canberra is actually the OLD beige.
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