For some reason, after Jason told both myself and Town Bike to ‘Lose his number’, he randomly decides to start stalking us on Friday night. Town Bike gave me the heads up that he was on the prowl so I left our spiritual home and promptly passed out.
I awake at 5.30 am to check my phone and was greeted with 12 text messages and 3 voice mail messages.
Text messages read as follows;
12.06 am Pick up fuck ya stupid
12.09 am Get off the phone
12.09 am Off
12.11 am I am jumping in a cab
12.14 am At least pick up?
12.18 am If your (sic) there, your there. Whatever.
12.20 am Ok so u wont pick up. What’ve I done?
12.39 am Ok u fucken hate me. Whatever. Im here. Just wanna say hi. Im not that bad?
12.59 am Should I stalk you?? Loosen up
1.05 am Pick up (Miss Contradiction). Do you really hate me?
1.11am If u hate me I’ll leave. But I didn’t think you did. I can at least tell you, if you cared. Im downstairs.
1.18 am Im here. Just wanna make peace. Really like and miss you. Can disapear (sic) if preferred but not desired. SAY SOMETHING damn it
1.26 am Ok so were not even mates. My fault. Sorry take care.
Yes Jason, I do hate you. Yes you are that bad. Yes please, disappear – it is certainly my preference. Permanently if possible.
Notice how the tone quickly goes from slightly abusive to embarrassingly pathetic?