Can I point out that it's not a one-off thing, this is the THIRD TIME it's happened in two years.
Seeing as having a note can apparently get you out of anything, then hopefully when I kill Jason with an icepick I can get my dad to write me a note saying I didn't mean to do it and it's a one off thing.
I swear to God: if he comes to the hole again, I WILL KILL HIM. Aaaaargh. His existence degrades us all.
A swift stilleto to the groin and then the eyeball never hurt anyone. In fact it is very Jennifer Jason Leigh in Single White Female. What a fashionable way to die.
God I am sick of hearing about him.
Send him to Guantanamo Bay in exchange for David Hicks.
I would prefer an (alleged) terrorist on our soil than Jason any day.
Jason is a terrorist of the female population of Sydney.
I repeat: lock him up and throw away the key.
Maybe we could exchange him for a member of villawood.....
Has anyone heard anything more??
I am sick of hearing about a prisoner swap.
Let's just reinstate the death penalty for drink driving and be done with it.
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