Oh yes, dear blog stalkers - I have been made aware of a bizzarre love triangle, the seeds of which were sewn at our beloved spiritual home.
Actually it is more of a hexagon.
Unfortunately, to protect the innocent I cannot go in to too much detail.
This is what happens when the lack of available singletons becomes so dismal that the appearance of any new 'fresh blood' causes a veritable feeding frenzy.
I prefer to take the vouyeur option and just stand back and watch.
It really is fascinating.
Is it a hexagon with a rather large object at its centre?
And why aren't I a part of this menage a six?
Spot on!!!
I don't think you would want to be part of it, it's not pretty.
Pete's not in it either, so what's the point?
Ooh I feel like I am part of the Da Vinci code.
I think half of the pub has slept with the other half....Nothing like sharing.
Who's in the triangle of love this time??
Sharing is great. Herpes is truly the gift that keeps on giving.
You'll have to ask Miss Contraception for information re: love hexagon. As per usual I am out of the loop.
Yay!!! Miss Penelope returns!!!
I will debrief you all tonight.
I propose we partake in consuming copious amounts of
alcohol to celebrate!!!
Free alcohol.
At the Greenwood.
Then potentially the So-So-Bar opening.
Though I would prefer to explore the SoSoBar in depth tomorrow night.
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