Monday, 15 January 2007

What's The Best Rumour You've Ever Heard About Yourself?

Combine copious amounts of alcohol with boredom and you have a recipe for one thing: disaster.

Well, make that two things. You also have a recipe for pub gossip.

I love pub gossip. I spread a lot of it myself, even when I've got a pretty fair idea it isn't true. It just makes a drinking session that much more fun.

Over the years I've apparently been both a lesbian and a prostitute. I WISH!!! If only I were that interesting. The truth is far more mundane: real lesbians wouldn't have a bar of me and likewise no one would bother to pay me for sex.

I mean, come on!! Which one am I?? A lesbian or a prostitute?? Because surely I can't be both... unless I am a lesbian prostitute. Now that would be interesting and controversial. However I believe someone we all know and look down on already has the lesbian hooker angle covered.

Actually I think Pete may have started both those rumours.

Let's make a list of all the best rumours that have been started over the past few years. You can use code names to protect the innocent.


Anonymous said...

I have to say that if I have talked to anyone of the opposite sex for more than 10 minutes, then I am sleeping with them. I think I must have slept with half the pub.

Anonymous said...

Oh and I'm doing a female member of staff becuase we hugged each other. I am a lesbian too!

Town Bike said...

Here's the formula:

Sitting with female friends >> Lesbian

Not sitting with friends >> Prostitute

You can't win!!

In other news, I had a CT scan on my back this morning and I have two bulging discs and - get this - osteo-arthritis in my back!! SERIOUSLY!! How old am I, 26 or 76?? Who gets osteoarthritis in their 20s??

Anonymous said...

That's not good. I'll see if I can pick up a zimmer frame on ebay for you. Maybe I can find a spare can find anything on ebay these days!!!

Town Bike said...

Now I'm going to feel even older when hanging (hobbling) around the SoSoBar.


I am going to ignore my birthday when it rolls around.