Saturday night Miss Contradiction and myself decided we were thoroughly sick of Cremorne and its surrounds so we treated ourselves to a night on the town. What's that I hear you say? You crossed the bridge? Well yes, we did.
We ended up stumbling into the Soho bar in Kings X, largely tempted by the two-for-one cocktails (delicious, by the way). So far so good, but that's where the night started falling apart. For independent of each other, we both started to make off-chops phone calls: she to Jason and me to Bad Smell, both inviting them out. Finally we 'fessed up to each other about what we had done and berated ourselves for indulging such losers.
Well they turned up in about two seconds flat - just goes to show how desperate the pair of them must be - and my, wasn't Jason in fine form. Bad Smell and I left for a few minutes to relive one of our favourite pastimes from when we were a couple - cruising down Darlinghurst Road and chatting to hookers - and when we returned Jason was already attempting to stick his tongue down the throat of (a very inebriated) Miss Contradiction.
Bad Smell also made a comment to Jason about how 'well rested' he looks after his paternity leave. HELLO?? WTF?? WELL RESTED?? DO YOU MEAN FAT?? And come on, are you supposed to look well rested after having a child? Aren't you supposed to be frazzled, otherwise you're not doing it properly?? PARENTAL LEAVE IS NOT SUPPOSED TO BE A FRICKING DAY SPA, FFS!!!
Other highlights of the night:
* I was wearing my blue Shakuhachi balloon sash dress (see attached picture). The first thing Bad Smell said to me was some lascivious comment about my boobs. No hello, no nothing. Clown.
* I had forgotten how incredibly boring Jason is. I kept trying to escape his monotonous, droning conversation. Once when I got stuck with him he made some comment about how he 'wanted to drink more but couldn't'. I assumed he was asking me for money so I told him I couldn't lend him any. He then jangled his car keys in front of his face to explain that he meant he was driving, then wandered off to buy another beer.
* When I politely asked him how the baby he was, he answered dismissively 'it eats, shits and sleeps'. He then proceeded to tell me how much he hates the name Jennifer and how he was pushing for either my name or my sister's name. He has always had a morbid fascination with my family.
* Bad Smell proceeded to tell me at one stage how he has been trying to get some 20-year-old into bed. I went ballistic at him and told him not to tell me such things. After all, I spare him the gruesome details of my (non-existent) love life.
At about 1am we decided they were boring and annoying so we simply got up and left. We decided to drop into the hole on the way home for a quick drink. It was busy but there was no one we know there except for this weird guy who works at the Mosman RSL so we left.
Then when we were at home Jason rang Miss Contradiction looking for a root. He had 'somehow' ended up in Balmain, his old picking up ground. He asked her to text him the address so she told him the street name without a block number or apartment number. HA!
Then we sent out a couple of annoying text messages to people and passed out.
The end.