Sunday, 5 August 2007

Minsky's sucks.

Ok, I'm trying to boycott going to the Hole but it hasn't worked when I am drunk. I have ended up in Minsky's not once but 2 nights in a row because I was intoxicated.
You would have thought I would have learned my lesson after Friday night, but NO. I ended up there last night SMASHED and some stupid low life c*#t stole my mobile phone while I was arguing with the bouncer who was trying to kick my mate out.
I HATE that place and now that place has taken away one of the most important things in my life. I have no one's numbers now, I have no photo's, especially my favourite which was of Town Bike and Panda when they became BBF's. I have no alarm clock.
God damn the hole.


Town Bike said...

That sucks. I hate losing my phone.

I walked in there last night and thought I had walked into a kindergarten.

And how come so many young people have NO IDEA OF HOW TO DRESS TO FLATTER THEIR FIGURE???

Ugh. One of my pet hates.

Anonymous said...

Thats such a shame, truley it is Miss Penelope

Town Bike said...

Panada and I decided this morning that he is going to run for PM.

He is going to run on a campaign of abolishing the Commonwealth and establishing a system of governance based on the theory of Pandamonium.

Anonymous said...

I had some lunch time drinks with Panda and he was texting you when i was with him. His Presidential Campaign is quite good. He wants to make me Minister of wine and battery operated devices. I think that was because I was drinking wine and fixing peoples phones (although I has not got a phone myself)!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the sympathy Andrew. Appreciate it mate!!

Town Bike said...

Hm. He also said Miss Contradiction could have the battery operated devices portfolio.