Monday, 21 May 2007

Will YOU be my soulmate?

Miss Contradiction and I spent a boozy lunch slash afternoon on Saturday working out who was going to be who in our lives.

This is what we came up with:

Miss Contradiction's life partner and soulmate: Panda
The executor of her will: The glassie, Joe (?)
Her legal advisor: Uncle Pete
Godparents to her children: Licensee and Poncho

My life partner and soulmate: Ivan Milat
The executor of my will: Jason
Legal advisor: That strange guy who works at Peppercorn
Godparents to my children: Missingham and a woman in a chicken suit.

I sent Jason an SMS to ask him if he would be the executor of my will and he didn't respond.

What's up with that?

Sheesh, you try to build a bridge...


Town Bike said...


Jason agreed to be my executor!!

YAY!! Free ice pipes for all when I kick the bucket!!

Town Bike said...

Wait - does this mean he gets executed, or am I all mixed up again?

Miss Contradiction said...

Really? He didn't respond to my message about him, me and Panda being BFF's.

I want Dougie the Pizza Boy to be my spiritual advisor.

Town Bike said...

Well, he didn't actually respond to me directly. Probably because he doesn't know my email address and something that official does need to be emailed. On his work system.

Bad Smell rang me before because I sent him a text message last night telling him that Melody was the executor of his will and I think he rang to abuse me. So when he rang I told him the whole story. I was laughing like a hyena and attracting stares like you wouldn't believe. He told me that Jason would be my executor.

I could hear Jason's awful droning baritone in the background.

Town Bike said...

I've changed my mind.

I want Gollum from Lord Of The Rings and Jason to be co-executors.

Hopefully Gollum will be the voice of reason in that partnership.

Anonymous said...

I will be your soulmate, Town Bike

Anonymous said...

Wow, no shit andrew, I've visited this blog like twice and I already knew that.

Town Bike said...

Hahaha. It's funny because it's true.

Andrew, do you really think cutting Ivan Milat's grass is such a good idea?

Anonymous said...

I thought Jason and Bad Smell weren't mates any more?

Town Bike said...

They're not best mates but they still work together. And no doubt smoke ice together.

The cooling off probably won't last long. I mean Jason stole $100 off Bad Smell once and they still patched it up after a few weeks.