Monday, 2 July 2007

Happy Birthday Jason, Love Panda

Well it was Miss Contradiction’s birthday yesterday and we undertook a fairly hefty 13-hour bender on Saturday night to celebrate (hole, Peppercorn, Miss Contradiction's house, Oaks, Miss Contradiction's house, hole). I didn't pick up unfortunately, despite my best efforts.

We were supposed to go to Canada Day yesterday but as we both woke up a bit dusty we decided to stay home and watch Twin Peaks instead, after breakfasting on pasta and quiche. I supervised while Miss Contradiction cooked.

It was also a day of many random text messages sent to all and sundry, including messages to various people saying “Happy birthday Panda, love Jason” and “Can you please drop some ice over in the mail box” and an all-time corker “Can you please drop a Marilyna’s pizza over, you can put it under the door, as well as a hat and a turtle” (actually I think I sent that one to everyone in my phone).

God we are so funny sometimes.

PS The hole is still boring and full of losers.


Anonymous said...

I didnt get any texts

Town Bike said...

That's because you probably WOULD turn up with a pizza. And a hat. And a turtle.

Anonymous said...

yes i suppose, wheres Miss penelope lately?