It has just occured to me, as I looked down admiringly at my delicious new pair of Christian Louboutin black pumps, that I recieved them on the same day as Jason's baby was born.
I think my love affair with my shoes will last a lot longer than Jason's interest in the baby.
Do we have any idea what this childs name is? Or do we need another poll?
I vote for Pandara.
Given his incredible arrogance, he will probably call it Jason Junior.
Oh wait, it's a girl. Make that Jasonina.
Nice shoes.
I vote Tayluh or Brianna.
I really hope he didn't call it my sister's name.
He was planning to do that a few months ago.
He's had a massive unrequited crush on my sister for years.
Maybe he could call her Ice or Meth.
Or Goblin, as a tribute to his boy band past.
Ice Goblin Gray has a nice ring to it.
PS I am borrowing the shoes. What size are they? Would they fit me? I'll pad them with cotton wool if not.
hmm how about, Agnes ?
Lamb of God?
I think not.
Is there a word that means lamb of Satan?
That would be more appropriate.
They are size 41.
They are not the same as the ones in the picture, similar though with a slingback.
So far I have only worn them on carpeted surfaces.
Perhaps he could call the baby after Bad Smell.
Well that will definitely give the child something to aspire to.
So are they pumps or slingbacks?
Because they can't be both.
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