Monday, 16 July 2007

Media Release: The Cremorne Hotel Has Jumped The Shark

We stumbled into the Cremorne Hotel - also known in some circles as ‘the megahole’ - in the early hours of Saturday morning to find the place as dead as a dodo.

Yes, as predicted, the new no-smoking laws have killed the place. I cannot conceivably see it returning to its former glory at any time in the near future.

We now officially have no reason to frequent the hole.

In other news, Jason is still an over-sexed loser – but it’s Miss Contradiction’s story, so I’ll let her tell it.

It’s very hard for one to respect a person who has no control over their baser instincts, mais oui?


Anonymous said...

Jason... over-sexed? How distasteful. He hasn't become another notch on Moll Flanders' bedpost has he?

Town Bike said...

If you looked up the word over-sexed in the dictionary, I'm sure you'd see Jason's photo there.

He is the archtypal manwhore misogynist.

Miss Contradiction said...

Probably, he does get around, as does she.

Basically Moll Flanders wanders from pub to pub looking for people to scab drinks and cigs off.

Town Bike said...

And heroin.
