It all started around Easter when we found out that he had stolen a two-week-old kitten from her mother (actually the mother rejected the litter, but that is by-the-by). The cat was tiny and kept getting lost underneath the piles of crap that Bad Smell is cultivating in his apartment. It looks something like the cat pictured here. Also the cat was not vaccinated and was not having mother’s milk to help its immune system – with hygienically challenged people such as Jason spending time with Estelle (her name), she was heading for some serious illnesses.
And seeing as Bad Smell can’t even look after himself, let alone a cat, we were extremely worried for its wellbeing.
So we were planning a cat intervention. The idea was to get together Bad Smell's friends and family (ie Jason and Bad Smell’s psychotic sister, whose hobbies include randomly punching walls and refusing to take her anti-psych medication) and to spring out at him when he came home from work one day, expressing our concerns for the cat. I know what happens at interventions because I saw it on an episode of Beverly Hills 90210 once.
However this plan never came to fruition as we realised that Jason and the psycho sister would just be there for the free beer and wouldn’t really give two hoots what happened to the cat.
Lately I have been worried about the cat. I want to know if it’s still alive. What should we do?
Hmmm.... Maybe just call him up and express your concerns?
Ot offer free sex? Or make him think your offering free sex, which just MUST take place at his shithole apartment, then when you get there, go all RSPCA on his arse...steal the cat, or reveal the RSPCA representative hidden in your purse, etc.
But I don't want to have sex with him. Or go to his apartment. Or even talk to him.
He rang me last night and I didn't answer the phone or call me back. Turns out he had to speak to me urgently to invite me to someone else's birthday drinks at Mosman RSL in several weeks. Apparently the birthday boy (whom I barely know) 'really wants me to come'.
Andrew, why the fuck do you constantly seem to think that you can dictate what we write on this blog?
If you find it boring, then fuck off elsewhere to haunt someone else's blog.
We're not here to entertain you, you clown.
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