After the shenanigans with the stalking phone on Friday, and our subsequent boozy afternoon on Saturday, we were back for some more boozing on Sunday.
Town Bike and myself came across a new phenomenon (maybe not new, but new to us - however I digress) that resides in the male toilets called a 'Pheromone Wipe'
Check out the spiel on the Internerd:
'Pheromones are chemicals that send out subconscious scent signals to the opposite sex that naturally trigger attraction, arousal and readiness for sex. When a woman receives the chemical-hormonal signals, she automatically, instinctively responds - without even realizing what is drawing her to you.'
We immediately pounced on the nearest male we could find to purchase us some of these magical wipes. After dousing ourselves liberally in this disinfectant potion, we discovered it really does nothing at all.
Jason is apparently a fan of these wipes. Must be what attracts women of the calibre of 'Jess' to him.
Except for making people go mental. Last night we had another punchon followed by another lifetime banning and a whole lot of other hoo-haa that luckily transpired after my graceful exit (i.e walking out of my own accord and not running into the flower pots on the way out.)
I knew about these wipes several years ago.
I once caught Jason dousing himself in them on a boozy Saturday night at the pub.
P.S. I was the drunkest I've been in at least a week on Saturday.
P.P.S. All the childish fights and punch-ons make me want to scream and kick someone in the balls.
All those wipes did were give me a headache. Sex repellent more like.
In fact they sent everyone over the top. Pheremones....what ever...sent the boys fighting.
Townbike has a nice rack
Who was fighting?!?! Can't believe I missed the excitement...!
I fled to the pokie room to get away from it and put $3 in the pokies and won $33!
I hate pokies but I hate stupid punch-ons and fights even more.
they have had these wipes in the bathrooms for years
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