Monday, 22 January 2007

Here's A Tinny You DON'T Want To Be Cracking Open This Australia Day



Miss Contradiction said...

Hmmmm. What to call it...

Bottom Feeder Brew?

Personality Challenged Pilsener?

Loser's Lager?


Town Bike said...

Crown Cockhead?

Brewer's Brew?

Anonymous said...

which good guys is it I can find this fine specimen at?

Town Bike said...


If you see him, give him my regards. And by give him my regards, I mean kick him in the balls.

Anonymous said...

if i say this is from town bike, and kick him where it hurts will he know who i am talking about?

Town Bike said...

He may not know me as Town Bike.

But he'll suspect it's from one of us.

Miss Contradiction said...

Oh yes, he will definitely have an inkling of who it might be.

Actually, considering I don't think I know ANYONE who likes him (apart from Bad Smell), maybe not.

BTW, Town Bike came up with the best name for this noxious brew last night...



Town Bike said...

If you do drop in to see Jason, you'll get the double whammy as you get to see Bad Smell too (they work together).

Yes Miss Contradiction is right, there's no one who likes Jason. Except for Bad Smell, who may like his company but doesn't trust him as far as he can throw him (which isn't very far considering how much weight he has put on recently).

Everyone else prefers to keep him at an arm's length. And not just because of the foot odour problem.