Thursday, 25 January 2007

Agony Aunts Pt III

Ask away with all your relationship problems and we'll try to solve them!! We won't try very hard though.


Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blogs about "bad smell" and I can't help but think he sounds like my partner (although he does at least know what month my birthday is - maybe not the date!).
However for some reason I just can't leave him. Am I stupid? Am I sadistic?

Town Bike said...

I have been asking myself the same question for over two years.

I have come to the conclusion that I am a combination of weak, stupid, lacking in self-esteem, convinced I can't do any better and a sucker for punishment.

I've broken up with him several times and keep coming back for more.

I've come to the conclusion that I should become a lesbian, or at least asexual.

Though Bad Smell does have his redeeming features. Nine inches of them.


Town Bike said...

OK I have given this some thought. The obvious solution would be for us to tell our partners that there is a big gambling event on somewhere. While they run off in excitement we can both flee the country and/or marry someone else.

Sounds like a well thought-out plan to me.

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. Nine inches!!

Anonymous - Just walk out and don't look back. Happens to the best of us!

Anonymous said...

Good plan. I think he would fall for that.

Think is to make things worse I like someone else. However I know I will miss a could opportunity by staying with dumb ass.

Town Bike said...

Well if you like someone else, why the hell are you waiting??

Is he hot??

If I liked someone else, I would go for it for sure. Particularly if they were hot.

Unfortunately I am a sociopath and find it difficult to form attachments to people.

Anonymous said...

*auickly googles 'convert nine inches to centimeters'*

well dear town bike, that's not a good enough reason, having said that i'm farking desperate to get laid. the ones i wanna lay (and maybe have something longer term with) i'm not gonna throw myself at , and the ones who wanna lay me i don't want to have to deal with the next day and lose their friendship.

what to do?


ps - not good with one night stands
pss- dumped the 'mister up and leave at midnight' and now wondering if should give him a call.....

Miss Contradiction said...

I find that a daily dose of the anti-depressant of your choice, significantly lowers your sex drive to the point where you just couldn't be bothered with it at all.

This worked in my favour one evening when Jason was driving me home from Kensington and he remarked "I should have bought some clothes with me." I assumed that meant he thought he was going to stay the night and said nothing.

On arrival at my house, I jumped out of the car and said "Thanks for the lift, be safe on the drive home." and kissed him on the cheek.

We are pretty sure he slept in his car that night.


Normally my annoyingly high sex drive would have convinced me that rooting him was a good idea.

Zoloft - 1, Jason - 0

Town Bike said...

Please stop talking about Jason. He makes me sick.

As for the real question here: I am not quite sure of your situation.

How long have you been with your partner?

Did you sleep with someone apart from your partner?

How does the partner fit in with Mr leave at midnight?

I don't know how much help I can be with the wooing someone new side of things. My version of wooing someone is having sex with them in the toilets.