Monday, 5 March 2007

A Poncho A Day Keeps The Style Away

Well we were having a boozy lunch at Peppercorn yesterday (prior to getting absolutely smashed at the pub and hassling some bouncer) and who should walk in and sit at a table nearby but Poncho.

We all commented how funny it would be if our blog's resident angry man went up to poncho and started hassling her and she would have no idea what he was talking about.

True story.

I have the worst hangover I've had in at least a week.

P.S. I hate Jason.

P.P.S. Log onto a screen and call me.


Anonymous said...

I used to work at peppercorn, the kitchen is really dirty :(

Town Bike said...

I love Peppercorn.

I have been drunk there many a time.

I don't care if the kitchen is dirty. My kitchen is probably dirty too. I wouldn't know, I never cook.

Anonymous said...

:x if you worked there i dont think u would ever wanna eat at pepper corn again townie

Town Bike said...

I'm sure I've put worse things in my mouth in my time.