Monday, 12 March 2007

Pash And Dash (Or Stumble)

Naroomina pioneered a new way of getting some pash action on the weekend.

At the end of the night at the Slip Inn, she simply walked up to the best looking man in the room, pulled him away from his friends, pashed him, then walked off and went home.

I think this way of cracking onto men could be the way of the future, since nothing else seems to work.

Miss Contradiction and I are both going to challenge ourselves to do this in the next few weeks. So watch out fellas!!!


Anonymous said...

ut oh

Anonymous said...


Town Bike said...

I know you can do better than that.

Anonymous said...

also to note about my Friday night shinanigans is that the guy has been texting me ever since and sent me a long email this morning.

now when has a guy ever done all that before?? usually i'd be lucky to get a text by wednesday the following week! this grab and snog thing is definitely the way to go!

i look forward to hearing about you girls' progress over the next few weeks!

remember - self respect is just a figment of your imagination. if you can ignore that, then you have nothing to lose!!

Town Bike said...

I am so going to do this. I could do with some male attention.

PS What time is your flight?

Miss Contradiction said...

What was said in the email?

Town Bike said...

To think we could be getting emails from actual MEN just by slutting ourselves around a bit more.

Anonymous said...

Usually it also means you have to hand out your business card which can cause all sorts of trouble later on....

Town Bike said...

I have handed out my business card to assorted shady characters in my time.

In fact, I can't remember the last time I gave out my business card to an actual work contact.

As an old colleague of mine used to say, "the cards are for picking up, not work".

Anonymous said...

Yeah I'm the same - I got my personal mobile number printed on mine for that very reason....

The only problem is that when you get sick of that person and decide not to take their calls anymore (on average after 2 weeks and 4 days for me), they still have your work contact details. I have actually changed jobs in the past to avoid someone I gave my card to....

Anonymous said...

ive got your card townie :D

Anonymous said...

Is townbike gonna try snog me ? :x

Town Bike said...

Hmm. Good question.

The answer is no.

Anonymous said...

Thank God

Anonymous said... did read the best looking person in the pub. I'm sure you are not in that category.

Anonymous said...

*shrug* i never have problems getting girls annonymous, must be telling you something..

Town Bike said...

It doesn't count if you have to pay for it Andrew...

Anonymous said...

lol id never pay for it townie.

Badgedraw tonight anyone?

Anonymous said...

How come no new posts :( I need somthing to do whilst I'm at work !!

Town Bike said...

It just isn't worth it without abusive anonymous guy around to validate my existence.

Town Bike said...

Can someone else please start calling me names instead?

I thrive under pressure...