Tuesday, 6 February 2007

The New Black

I think lesbianism may well be the new black


Anonymous said...

for sure! would def save all the guy angst. on that note, all guys should become gay. can get what ;) they want, when they want and we wont have to feign headaches or exhaustion.

Town Bike said...

Feign what? My headache is real, it's about 6'1 and approx 25 years old, last seen in the vicinity of the TAB...

Anonymous said...

I was told I would make a good lesbian!

In fact the guy who told me that asked if he could get me in the shower with his female friend and film it!!

So what makes a good lesbian? Someone who will let guys watch them shag other chicks.

Town Bike said...

I'm not sure if I would make a good lesbian, I'm not sure I could pull off Birkenstocks and a dykey haircut.

Who keeps voting for The Good Guys??