I have had my eye on these scrumptious examples of female footware for sometime but was unwilling to pay full price.
Today, my dear bloggers, after 3 weeks of waiting and stalking patiently, the price was reduced to a more reasonable amount. The joy and elation I felt was akin to some of the more memorable sexual encounters I have had in the (now distant) past.
I mst pick up this weekend otherwise I am certain to become a destitute shoe addict.
In other news, the hole is still a hole. But then we all knew that didn't we...
I bought a pair of shorts and was going to buy a button up shirt but it wouldn't do up over my boobs.
Goddamn I need to lose weight.
I didn't particularly want shorts, it was just the first thing I grabbed.
My shopping is almost pathological, I use it at times to replace sex.
I can see some hardcore shopping expeditions coming up in my immediate future.
PS Save the image to your hard drive first rather than linking directly.
Stupid blog has a conniption when I save the image first...
I tried several times to post the newer and lamer So-so bar flyer and it kept crapping itself.
Really? Let me have a try. Email me the link to the image you want to post.
I tried the whole retail therapy thing, it lasted 15 mins, I bought a pair of Jeans that are now too big for me and found the nearest pub!!
I have been told by so many people at work that they think I have lost weight....just wish I could lose it from my boobs though. I have the same problem as Town Bike...I can never buy button up shirts!!
Stupid boobs! I need a button up shirt to rock this outfit I'm planning.
bitches with big tits!
i've dropped from 12C to 12A since my binge-drinking, pill popping, post break-up adventures ... seriously considering a boob job!
Don't get a boob job.. please. Fake tits are so unappealing.
I'm a 12D and would much prefer to be a C or even a B. I think clothes hang so much better on smaller chests.
Big boobs just look tacky, tacky, tacky. A la Jessica Simpson.
And you can't wear any floaty unstructured tops because then they look like a tent and make you look fat.
It's a fine art dressing for a larger chest.
You can have some of mine!
Don't worry anonymous, I am only a 12B (on a good day).
It's also easier to buy reasonably priced bra's when you're smaller.
I took the liberty of changing the picture. I have no idea what your new shoes look like but wouldn't it be funny to see you in the ones pictured here!!
I'd pay good money to see that!
Not to be outdone, i just bought a pair of red heels too (despite the fact I already have two pairs of red heels). I wasn't intending to but found them on sale for $25 at lunch and couldn't resist.
They remind me of a pair of Jimmy Choos I was fervently stalking a couple of years ago but didn't end up buying.
I hope they're not the same as Miss Contradiction's as that would just be embarassing.
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