An afternoon of civilised behaviour at high tea followed by an uncivilised night of drinking.
Can't wait to crack open the lychee vodka I've been distilling in my own honour.
As you were.
P.S. My stars for this weekend say I'm going to hook up with a Virgo bloke. God I hope not. Virgos and their rampant anal perfectionism get right up my nose.
I DO have to pick up though. It's expected on one's birthday.
Looking forward to it too. I'm looking forward to scones with cream and jam. YUMMY.
Yeah, you have to at least get a birthday snog!! Maybe even a birthday root!!
I'd settle for a birthday stalk...
But will aim for a birthday pash.
I think a birthday root may be overreaching a little, given my limited social skills.
I found out lastnight townbike that Zac is not single
Who's Zac?
Jason is a virgo.
So are a lot of other people, including my sister.
From home and away townbikie :P or as we like to call him, Will :P
Oh right. Will.
I'm bored of him anyway. He doesn't really do much except stand there.
His novelty factor is quickly wearing thin.
I was wondering what the big parade this Saturday night was all about - it all makes sense now that I know it's your birthday!
Will you be donning the customary boobless leather bra? Arseless leather pants? Just beware of chafing...
I hate it when I have to compete with the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras for attention.
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