Sunday, 18 February 2007

Agony Aunts Pt IV

Time to have all your questions answered by the blog gang again.

Question us about love, life, the universe, anything and we promise to make something up to make you feel better.

We may even reveal our top secret identities if you ask nicely (or we may lie, who knows).

All sexual propositions should go here to.

Town Bike


Town Bike said...

Fine don't ask then see if I care.

Anonymous said...

When do i get to meet you 3 lovely ladies

Anonymous said...

Right, okay, I have a problem.

Last Saturday night, my girlfriend had her birthday party in a friend's back garden. Her friends are boring, and she always ignores me when shes around them.
Anyway, to cope with the boredom I gor really, really drunk. Big mistake. Ended up cracking on to just about everyone at the party (of both genders)... in a joking, intentionally lame sort of way, like, "You're the hottest guy ever, fuck me up the arse!" (urgh, should never drink) Also, because my gf ended up sitting on some other guy's lap, I started yelling at her about what a shithouse gf she is iin front of everyone.(not even true)
Also blamed her for my drunken state, as I was feeling really sick at this point, and then I ended up vomiting (multiple times) tomato pizza all over the borrowed back garden.

Shes not answering my calls... what should I do?

Town Bike said...

First of all, can I just say well done on a spectacular performance. I personally would be very impressed if my hypothetical boyfriend put on a show like that. Mainly because I would be secretly glad that it was distracting people from my own outlandish behaviour, but I digress.

Now to your problem. My boy, it sounds like for the last few days girlfrien' has had you under her thumb. You see, us bitches like a challenge. If you've tried calling and she's not answering, STOP CALLING AS OF NOW. Then she'll be wondering WHY you're not calling anymore and for the first time maybe she'll think 'hang on, maybe I should call him'. Perhaps if she does ring you, don't answer the first time. Let her sweat on it for a bit.

The fact that you've called her more than once and she's not answering means she's got you on the end of her string, and do you really want to be on a leash like that?

Of course, Dolly Doctor would recommend sitting down for a heart-to-heart and laying your cards on a table so you can talk through it or some garbage like that. I don't advise that, partially because I'm a realist and partially because I know from personal experience that telling your significant other that you don't like their friend(s) doesn't go down very well and usually ends up in a massive argument (ref: Jason). Unfortunately there isn't much you can do about the friend situation apart from ride it out.

But in terms of the immediate situation, do nothing. Don't send flowers, don't write poetry, don't call and leave a sheepish voicemail because she'll think you're a sap. She's emasculated you - reclaim your balls. I mean come on, it's not like you're never going to speak to her again if you don't call for a bit. Just give her a bit of space to sweat and play her little game.

This may sound harsh but women don't really want an overly nice guy, no matter what they say.

Ok well that would be my advice. I could be wrong and probably am. If you have to send flowers send it to the person who owns the house to apologise for the spew in their rose bushes (though I've heard it's a good fertiliser).

Town Bike

Town Bike said...

P.S. Her friends sound really annoying. Are they those young Christian types who get married at age 19 so they can have sex and look disapproving when you get drunk in front of them?