Wednesday, 10 January 2007

Of Matters Trivial

What better place for a trivia night than our spiritual home? The hole specialises in matters of a trival nature.
Alas we lost!!!
This could be due to the fact that as I am now on day 3 of being a non-smoker, I have channelled all my energy in to my drinking habit with gusto. Yes, dear blog stalkers - I pushed the boundaries of crapulence to a new level.
I would have had a hard time remembering my own name, let alone remembering who some dead chick who had a bit part in a Siberian sit com is....
I also got kicked out. I am sure you will agree that this is a personal best, even for me.
My mother would be so proud.


Town Bike said...

Getting kicked out of the hole back in July/August was definitely a low point for me.

It won't be happening again.

Miss Contradiction said...

Apparently I also fell over my bed and broke a glass.

Perhaps I should take up smoking again - would be better for my health.

Shame, Miss Contradiction, shame....

Town Bike said...

I can't believe there is also a connection with my ex-boyfriend's ex-girlfriend's mother's ex-boyfriend.

I'll say no more for fear of incriminating the innocent.

Miss Contradiction said...

That has a definite Ferris Bueller feel about it, only more tragic...

"Um, he's sick. My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious. "

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you got kicked out. That's awesome. I have yet to add that one to my list!!

Miss Contradiction said...

It would have been a memorable moment....if only I could remember it.

Town Bike said...

Nathan kicked her out too! Haha.


I got kicked out by that evil bitter lesbian bouncer who no longer works there.