Only 7 hours until the So-So Bar opening.
Will the scene outside tonight resemble the one above? Should I hire a minder to protect me from the paparazzi?
What if someone is wearing the same chicken suit as me. I knew I should have bought a haute couture chicken suit from Christian Dior to avoid that fashion faux par.
I really should have taken today off to get some colonic irrigation to reduce bloating and consult my stylist.
I don't want to look chub chub in my chicken suit.
Who is the doofus in the picture?
I am not happy with my outfit choice today and I still feel bloated. Plus I wore high heels for the first time since doing my back in and am in a fair amount of pain.
I wonder if it would be acceptable to wander around the new nightclub in thongs?
Do you want to wear my chicken suit to disguise your thongs?
Bubbles tells me the dress code will be quite strict.
Better wear your good thongs.
What about slippers? Or bare feet?
Well I have been known to turn up to the odd trivia night in my slippers.
Lady Goon does it all the time.
I just bought flat shoes to protect my poor back.
They are a lovely shade of leopard print with red trimming.
It's very 'me'.
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