Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Cold Wedges

Well, once again I can't take credit for the following itinerary. Our dear friend Bubbles (of Cremorne Barbie fame), has informed me of how she plans to conduct herself during tonights badge draw;

a) Arrive at Hole half tanked
b) Harrass bar staff and manager about cold wedges and too many badges
c) Trip over a few random patrons with drinks
d) Cause a brawl and sneak out before being identified
e) Come back in via pokie area and have a snack
f) Start singing a song about the "Mole in the Hole" in German
g) Threaten to remove articles of clothing - from an innocent bystander
h) Continue you to get rolling drunk
i) Sway/stagger out before you get banned.
j) Hope that Lady Goonbag hasn't mashed dinner to a pulp on your arrival home.
k) Remember you don't live there and go to your own place, which you
can't get into because you lost your keys in the brawl.
l) Ring a friend to remind you were you hid the spare key
m) Spend 5 minutes trying to put the key in the hole and then realising
your in the wrong block - doh!


Anonymous said...

I'll bring my camera!!

Town Bike said...

Bad Smell is making me go to the badge draw tonight. I don't want to go. I want to go home and eat. I'm hungry.