Thursday, 30 November 2006

When I Grow Up, I Want To Be...

* A gangster moll
* A female body builder
* A male body builder
* The town drunk
* An old slapper who sits at the hole at age 60 with a glass of chardy and a ciggy hanging out of her mouth
* In jail for Jason's murder
* Not in jail for Jason's murder (but Jason is still dead)
* The town bike
* The owner of a blog who writes nasty things about people on the internet
* Canada's drug bitch
* A cat
* A red paperclip
* Dead



Anonymous said...

To own mega and return it to all its former glory!! MEGAHOLE

Town Bike said...

That's good. Aim low and you won't be disappointed.

Miss Contradiction said...


1. Batman
2. A packet of winnie reds
3. Pete
4. Navy clearance diver
5. Alf
6. A yo-yo

Town Bike said...

7. Pete's wife
8. A smurf
9. CEO of a baked goods company
10. A model