Saturday after we spent most of the day recovering, we thought we would do some research on the other pubs in the area. First stop – Mosman Hotel, also known as the ‘Duck’. First thing we noticed was the absolute plethora of young attractive men – aha!! We cried – so this is where they go. The next thing we noticed was a rather extensive menu at reasonable prices – something lacking at the Hole. I think their menu consists of about 4 choices the highlight being baked beans on toast or something.
Next stop – the Oaks. Pricey drinks and apparently they can’t afford limes, which is surprising considering. Anyway, not a bad establishment. Reasonable looking men, although a tad woggy.
Then we decided we had been away from our spiritual home long enough and returned to our ‘Mecca’ if you will. WTF was going on at the Hole Saturday night is beyond me. I think they arranged a loser’s theme party and forgot to inform us. From the outfits – some women looked like Supre threw up on them – to revolting displays of affection between a late 30’s slapper in some kind of beer wench outfit known as Slapporn with a much younger bloke in stubbies and thongs who looked paraletic. All in all the whole night was a car crash of mass proportions. The only thing I can think of that might cause such a dismal night, is that Uncle Pete was away on a fishing trip and unable to monitor things.
Let’s look at a comparison of hotels…..
Mosman Hotel – Saturday 9pm

Cremorne Hotel – Saturday 12pm

I think the pictures speak for themselves!!!
Oh Cremorne Hotel management!!! What are you doing to our spiritual home?
The clientele was indeed a major disappointment on Saturday night.
The highlight perhaps being when a middle aged man approached me and offered to give me $10 if he could drop a coin down the back of my jeans.
As desperately as I wanted $10, I declined due to the fact that I do have some dignity.
BTW, you also forgot about the Gilligan impersonator who arrived later in the evening.
Clearly some people forget to look in the mirror before they leave the house.
But then again, not everyone can have our intrinsic sense of style.
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