For readers not familiar with the Antler Bar, we have included a shot of said antler in all its majestic glory. Where in the hell did they find that thing?
The Antler Bar is a cocktail bar that is usually either closed or empty.
Town Bike and I believe the space could be better used as a sick bay, or perhaps Pete could live there.
Other suggestions??
I wouldn't mind seeing it used as a sick bay.
God knows I could have used a quick lie down on Friday night.
I believe the space is inappropriate as an upmarket cocktail bar as no one wants to look at an arcade as they sip their $20 drinks.
If it were turned into a sick bay it could also be used for quickies by those of us who prefer to bypass the disabled toilets when out for a quick root.
The fact that the pool room bar has drinks that are far cheaper than the antler bar will always hinder the bars success, also i vote they move food to upstairs only as im sick of attempting not to cover my self in food eating off the low as fuck tables they should put tables upstairs where the old pool tables used to be, also bring smuthered by smoke when eating really takes away from my baked beens on toast. Also why are the new bar tenders so fucking useless, do they dont who how to make any drinks!!!!
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