Tuesday, 21 November 2006

New Years' Eve

According to an unreliable source (ie, my bad smell of an ex-boyfriend), Miss Contradiction and myself are apparently not 'cool' enough to go to the Falls Festival as a member of Michael Franti's entourage.

Despite the fact that he's probably right, can I just add at this point that why my ex-boyfriend wants to be a Michael Franti groupie is beyond me. He is an embarrassment to all my ex-boyfriends everywhere. This may well be the first time I've ever driven a man to homosexual stalking.

But as per usual, the joke's on him. While my beloved bad smell is off getting insects in his underwear whilst camping out in rural Lorne (I had to inform him there are no five-star hotels nearby, or even four-star hotels, though perhaps Mr Franti has a three-star tent), we will be celebrating New Years Eve in style.

We have decided to host a BBQ at an unspecified location. Fuelled by a day's worth of booze, we will then proceed to ignore the fireworks with every ounce of our beings, instead choosing to listen to our beloved mashups (I think we should play Snoop Dogg's "The Next Episode" v Guns and Roses "Paradise City" at midnight - BEST MASHUP EVER).

I informed Miss Contradiction yesterday that I am well and truly nonplussed by the fireworks and simply can't spend another New Years pretending that I am impressed by them.

Trekking into the city - or even down the road - to see the fireworks for yet another year reminds me just how easily impressed some human beings are by shiny pretty things.

I mean HELLO, we're people, not MAGPIES!!!



Miss Contradiction said...

Yeah, whatever.

I would prefer to spend the night at our spiritual home than some music festival anyway.

NOT COOL? Hello...how are 2 refridgerator salesman cooler than us.

Town Bike said...

Hahaha. The only way they can be cooler than us is if they lock themselves in one of the fridges they so earnestly sell.