Wednesday, 29 November 2006

Badge Draw Ahoy

Well the badge draw has rolled around for another week.

I also received an SMS from the hole advising me that it is the official after party for something called 'movember' tonight (whatever the hell that is) and that anyone with a 'tash' gets $3 schooners between 11pm and 12am.

I love the way the hole goes all out like that. $1.20 off a schooner of beer?? BETTER CALL IN THE RIOT POLICE TO STOP THE STAMPEDE!!!!

I am thinking perhaps I will get a fake moustache from a fancy dress shop, or one of those Groucho Marx disguise kits (see below) and see if I can get $1.20 off my schooners (not that I even drink beer) for a total of ONE HOUR. Because that would be, like, SO WORTH IT!!


I could look as hot as this tool:

P.S. Do you reckon he's ever had sex?? I don't.


Miss Contradiction said...

Ha, ha. I got that stupid sms as well.

What kind of lame arsed promotion is that supposed to be?

Any money the place is empty between 11 & 12. It's a wednesday night people...hello???

Town Bike said...

I suppose they did it because they KNEW the place would be empty and they wouldn't have to cover the $1.20 from each schooner of beer.


Miss Contradiction said...

Maybe they will provide free entry to so-so bar for all members of the mailing list.

However, they will change the opening day to a Monday at 10am.

Town Bike said...

I'm always ready to party at 10am on a Monday.

Oh wait. No. I'm usually dying of an overdose from the weekend.