Sunday, 22 July 2007

Nobody Puts Jason In A Corner

Jason called the child Jennifer.

Jennifer Gray, eh?

Nobody will be putting that baby in a corner.



Miss Contradiction said...

Oh dear.

One can only hope the poor child has the mothers surname.

Jennifer Riglopolous....or something.

Town Bike said...

I think it would be best for the baby if Jason 'went the the store for a packet of cigarettes' and never came back.

Miss Contradiction said...

Ha, ha.

Sounds like something Malcolm would do. In fact I do recall him telling me he moved out from his girlfiend one weekend when she was away.

I think maybe they are related.

Town Bike said...

Possibly, but you just know that Malcolm would hate Jason if they ever met.

That being said, Malcolm is a sociopath and hates everyone equally.

Miss Contradiction said...

I am still suspicious of Malcolm's absence of late.

Makes me nervous.

he's definitely up to something.

Pergola's perhaps.

Town Bike said...

I'd really like to know what Malcolm is plotting.

Because he has to be plotting something. He would never be this inconspicuous unless he had something planned.

His comeback tour will be a spectacle to behold, I tells ya now.

Let's ring him the next time we're off our faces and ask him what he's plotting.

And if it involves pergolas.

Anonymous said...

How very camp of him! I'm sure Jason is aware of the irony and intentiomally named his daughter Jennifer Gray so he can continually revel in the kitsch pop-culture overload of it all.

Town Bike said...

He was probably off his face on ice at the time and doesn't realise.