Monday, 9 July 2007

Is Moll Flanders A Smacky?

I heard a rumour on Friday night that Moll Flanders is, in fact, a smacky.

Miss Contradiction seems to think this is impossible because Moll is a yoga instructor.

Personally I see no reason why someone can’t be both a yoga instructor and a smacky.

It certainly would explain some of her very bizarre behaviour.

All the more reason to sleep with her ladies and gentlemen, I say!!


Miss Contradiction said...

Word on the street is that she is indeed a smacky.

She turned up to one of her *ahem* conquests place for lunch yesterday and when asked by another guest if she had bothered to bring anything she shoved her tits forward and said "I bought these".

Pure class.

Town Bike said...

I hear that even Slapporn thinks she's a disgrace.

You know you're scraping the bottom of the pond when Slapporn thinks you're a moll.

Anonymous said...

Have i met this Moll Flanders before town bike?

Town Bike said...

How the hell should I know?

I don't follow you around 24/7 recording your social life in detail.

Anonymous said...

Well maybe you should start

Town Bike said...

As if I could be bothered

Anonymous said...

you know you want to