Friday, 18 May 2007

Pain, Pain, Like Kurt D Cobain

You know how people always say you shouldn't go for a Brazilian (or any sort of major waxing) right before your period?

I always thought that was a myth, but can now confirm that it is indeed correct.

Oh the pain - and I usually have a high pain threshold.

I don't know why I bother anyway. It's not like I'm ever going to have sex again.

I need a stiff drink. Stat!!


Anonymous said...

I always find doing things like having a wax or buying condoms generally eliminates the chance of having sex.... it is only when I'm hairy and rubber-less that I get lucky...

And yes, the period thing is most certainly not a myth. My beautician had a very impressive shiner thanks to a premenstrual client who whacked her in the face with her knee during a wax...

Town Bike said...

I am usually good and go a couple of weeks prior. But I left it two weeks longer this time because I couldn't be bothered and I hardly get any regrowth anymore.

Then there's the time I decided to give myself a DIY at-home Brazilian story.

Let's just say I waxed something I shouldn't have and I was peeing blood for a week.

And then there's a mutual friend of Miss Contradiction and myself. Prefers to trim rather than wax. One time she trimmed a little too close to something delicate and snipped right into it.

Town Bike said...

I just realised I've never bought a condom in my life. Never!

Hmm. Not sure what that says about me...

Perhaps that I am a virgin?