Saturday, 5 May 2007

Forgive Me For I Have Sinned

In the tradition of sites such as Post Secret (I love this site), post all your deepest darkest confessions here (anonymously of course).

I'll start with one but please note that if I decide to post anymore they will be done anonymously.

I accidentally slept with my ex-boyfriend (Bad Smell) last weekend... three times in 10 hours... and I can't remember any of it.

It doesn't count if you don't remember it, right?

Anyway that's my story and I'm sticking with it so if anyone asks it's still been four months.



Anonymous said...

I once slept with two guys on the same night. At the same time. And I liked it!

Anonymous said...

Well I slept with a "navy diver" last night.... see previous posts... obviously I didn't believe him but he had all the id plus his diving licence, etc.

I don't really care either way, but fuck he was hot! Nice little ego boost for an old bag...

Anonymous said...

I can't get off without a donkey punch or some other form of pain.

Also I love sex on ecstasy.

So sue me!

Town Bike said...


Anonymous said...

The "Navy Diver" didn't happen to be called Steve did he??

Town Bike said...

The number of blokes who have used the navy diver line on me at the hole...

Whenever I hear navy clearance diver now, I can't help but laugh.

It's either navy clearance diver, musician in a band or football player.

WHEN WILL MEN LEARN THAT MOST WOMEN DON'T GIVE A SHIT WHAT THEY DO FOR A LIVING!! Whenever I hear navy clearance diver, I automatically think 'girl in every port' which leads to thoughts of 'herpes' or 'other STDs'.

I think I had it drummed into me during the AIDS campaigns of the 1980s that sailors were a no-go.


Town Bike said...

Oh and also, I have lied about my occupation before. But only when I can't be bothered explaining to people about my job. Because I have a slightly exciting occupation (media), people ask me inane questions like 'who do you work for' etc that I can't be stuffed answering.

Sometimes I'll say I'm a receptionist or something just so people don't ask anymore questions.

Anonymous said...

What's donkey punch?