Friday, 9 February 2007

Vale Anna Nicole Smith

I am very sad that she's dead.

I've been a closet Anna Nicole appreciator for many years. I loved the fact that she was so trashy and didn't care, kind of in the same way I secretly find Britney, Mariah, Pamela Anderson and Courtney Love amusing.

I also found the Trimspa ads on Foxtel vaguely fascinating and disturbing at the same time and I loved her drunken effort at that awards show a while back.

Speaking of Courtney Love, I always thought Anna Nicole would outlive her.

I know the 'celebrity death pool' is rather morbid, but it's also kind of intriguing to name the next celebs to go. My picks are:

* Pete Doherty
* Kate Moss (I think they'll die together in some sort of accident/overdose a la Sid and Nancy)
* Nicole Ritchie
* Courtney Love
* Pamela Anderson


Anonymous said...

- Lindsay Lohan
- Dina Lohan (she will shrivel up and die once her link to the spotlight is gone)
- Paris Hilton (rabies from her monkey)
- Naomi Campbell (hit in head by rebounding mobile phone)
- Ashlee Simpson (complications from plastic surgery)
- Brad Pitt (eaten by Angelina in satanic ritual)

Miss Contradiction said...

Yes, Anna Nicole was an icon for trashbags globally.

Pete Doherty I find morbidly fascinating and slightly hot. Is that strange? Or is it a throw back from my early 20's obsession for dubious wanna be rock stars with substance abuse problems.

I am way past that now. Now I am more in to slightly overweight, balding men with Oedipus Complexes and substance abuse problems.

I am a psychologists wet dream.

I wish Tom Cruise would fall of his perch. He annoys the crap out of me.

Town Bike said...

I wish Tom Cruise would fall off his couch too.

Yes it is disturbing that you find Pete Doherty hot. He looks like a hobbit who's been dead for six months and has risen as a zombie.

Agree that Lindsay Lohan will kick the bucket prematurely. Hope Paris Hilton will too as I still don't quite understand why she's famous.

Anonymous said...

If Paris dies then she'll be even more famous - quite ironic that to reach the heights of fame she obviously craves she'll need to cark it!

Town Bike said...

Paris is truly the Hollywood Ebola virus.