Tuesday, 27 February 2007

So THAT'S Where The Name Came From!

I knew I'd heard the name Sobar before and it was bugging me.

Sobar was in fact a NZ horse that won the Caulfield Cup in 1972.

For all those who aren't in the know, the Caulfield Cup is a 2400m race that occurs a couple of weeks before the Melbourne Cup and is considered the best form guide for the Cup itself.

True story.

So... let me think about it. Sobar "the horse" rather than Sobar "stupid pun on sobriety".

Nope. Still not funny.


Anonymous said...

sobar is a nightclub in melb

Town Bike said...

And a racehorse that won the Caulfield Cup in 1972.

Miss Contradiction said...

And the nightclub in the Megahole.

Oh hang on. According to management the Megahole is dead.

Oh ye of little faith. The Megahole is like Jesus. It will arise in all it's glory when the time is right.

We may even get a public holiday out of it.

Anonymous said...

I was talking to one of the managers and im like so your the new megahole manager he said no, the megahole is no more lol


Town Bike said...

That gives me an idea. I'm going to make a funny picture in PhotoShop. Back soon.

Anonymous said...

have u finished the image