Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Crystal Ball

I just heard an ad on the radio for a cosmetic dentist where the woman said she fell over when she was drunk at the races and knocked her teeth out and had to get them replaced.

It's like the ad producer was looking into a crystal ball and predicting my future because that sounds like something that could very possibly happen to me (what with my family being races fanatics and me being a big drinker with balance issues).

And yes the ad was completely serious.

Best radio ad ever.


Anonymous said...

I smashed my front teeth trying to climb a fence a couple of years ago. The sad thing was that the fence I was trying to climb wasn't actually "fencing" anything, and there was an open gate 2 metres to my left. And it was daytime. Damn binge drinking to hell, I'm still paying off the dentist now.

Town Bike said...

I won't have a bad word said about binge drinking.

Anonymous said...

I heard that ad too and it reminded me of someone I work with. I've never met someone who has had so many accidents at the races.

I love binge drinking too. I wouldn't be where I was today without binge drinking!!

Anonymous said...

What station do you listen to? Trashbags-r-us?!?!

Sorry, I'm just jealous I haven't heard it...

The thing about falling down at the races is that if you time it well you can also usually get picked up. You just have to be careful not to vomit on yourself because that pretty much repels any potential suitors/saviours.