Yes I have a view of the hole from my balcony.
Apologies for the small image - however every time I tried a bigger image the blog had a conniption and shut down.
Believe me you can quite clearly make out the 'Fun for all Players' sign.
Yes, I know this is quite sad, it was however, unintentional.
Miss Penelope also has a view of the hole. I am thinking this subliminal barrage on our subconcious minds that the hole is 'Fun for all Players' may be the reason I am unable to walk past the pub to my unit. Miss Penelope has the same problem.
It is quite obviously a hole, however I am still drawn to it. Do you think I could sue the pub for all the money I have spent as a result of this blatant brainwashing?
I am turning in to a rampant alcoholic.
I am so utterly jealous of you.
Imagine being able to see the pub whenever you wanted to.
However I would probably find myself sleeping on the balcony in order to take the spectacular view in at every opportunity.
good picture
now i know where you live....
You should stalk her, she likes that.
Maybe it's Pete the stalker.
Shouldn't you be sitting on a flower pot somewhere wearing a hockey mask?
BTW I am currently eating a Tim Tam that I flogged from the pokie room.
Hee, hee!!
So many stalkers, so little time!!
I don't have any stalkers. I believe I will be taking applications soon.
I hear Peter the stalker is free.. however he is also banned from the suburb... and the surrounding suburbs.
I might have to move to be closer to him.
Hey Town Bike, didn't you actually live in the building next to the Megahhole circa the Anally Without Lube days? And throw annoying ex-boyfriends underpants onto their roof?
You totally did.
Or was it in an apartment above, for easy access?
Um. Maybe. Who wants to know?
By the way, is this your official application to be my stalker?
Oh COME ON. I've been online- stalking you since 2002! Circa the Cwarnes-moderator-of-Vogue-forum/Great Date-Off era.
So yeah. Keep up the good work. I'm a big fan.
I can't believe I've had an interweb stalker for four years and I didn't even know it.
You learn something new each day!!
That's awesome!! I like a good stalking. Except usually I'm the one doing the stalking.
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