Case in point - last time I checked, the Antler Bar didn't look anything like this:
Here's my interpretation of what the Antler Bar looks like after 50 bottles of champagne:
Because every click on this website earns us money.
Here's my interpretation of what the Antler Bar looks like after 50 bottles of champagne:
It also refers to the Piano Bar as being 'sexy'...really?
How is a bar sexy exactly? The Piano Man is certainly not sexy and seems to have some kind of mediocrity complex because he once yelled at the lovely Miss Penelope simply because she bust out in to a rendition of Piano Man in the (now defunct) real man's room.
HELLO - you're the one that has CHOSEN to sing in that shithole for 20 years. Get over yourself already.
Ii also has a shot of the Piano Bar and the carpet looks remarkably clean - we all know that's been photo shopped as well. That carpet probably contains microbes that could be harvested and used in bio-hazardous warfare.
I love you Miss Contraception. We've been through a lot together and you know what I'm thinking.
I am so leaving my shoe collection to you in my will.
P.S. Don't kill me for my shoe collection because law and order is SO ON TO YOU.
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