Wednesday, 11 July 2007

Favourite Kelvsisms

Courtesy of my 80-year-old father:

“I’ll come down on you like a tonne of hot bricks”
“I’ll boot you into the middle of next week”
“I’ll put him down the bottom of a well”
“I’m as crook as Rookwood”
“It was as funny as a circus”
“He was so ugly, he looked like he could haunt houses”
“Your Majesty” (said when addressing a magistrate in local court)
“I was doing my arse then I put $3000 on the thing and was in front”
“Craig Wing is a f$%^&*(“



Miss Contradiction said...

I do recall him threatening to break my kneecaps if I mentioned a certain incident to a certain person he used to work with.

Long live the Kelvinator.

Town Bike said...

He just can't shake off his 1970s Western Suburbs underworld-style past.

God bless his cotton socks.