Town Bike and myself have just had a meeting and decided that we are over the hole. Yes, dear readers, I hear your collective gasps of disbelief, however even we have decided that the hole blows.
The Oaks is much more interesting, has better atmosphere and was the venue of a spectacular girl on girl punch on the other night. Where do I sign?
Let's face it, come July 2 the hole is going to be a cemetary anyway.
As tightly as we have held onto it over the years, I believe it is time to finally let the good ol' megahole rest in peace.
I agree.
I am so over the hole, one would think I was never under it.
I am quite disappointed about missing the girl-on-girl punch on. Next time, next time.
If only the Oaks opened after midnight, we would never have to darken the doors of the hole at all!!
But how will i get to perv on town bikes rack now?
I dunno.
Go to the Oaks?
Or townbike could just come over?
actually further to the point could it be possible Town bike and Miss Contradiction are getting to the age of the crowd at the
The Pickled Possum isn't about age. It's about class (or lack thereof)
Whenever I think of the Pickled Possum, I think of a night involving too many Malibu and Diet Cokes that ended with Miss Contradiction and myself up on stage belting out 'If I Could Turn Back Time' by Cher.
Sad, sad times.
The Pickled Possum is always a good pit stop once the Oaks has closed and you are walking to the Megahole. You are drunk enought to go in and you get to have a couple of drinks to keep you going until Cremorne!
Lol i sung breakfast at tiffanies there a couple of months ago with my mates lol
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